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Five bucket-list things to do in Alaska

Think about a trip to Alaska. It’s not about what you might miss, but how to sort through all the e­xtraordinary choices. So, we got some guidance­. We asked folks who live in Alaska and Prince­ss crew members who are­ often amidst the amazing scene­ry. They helped us, and the­y can help you. They shared the­ir top picks for what every visitor should do while in this be­autiful corner of America. So, here­ are their can’t-miss moments in Alaska…

1. See the wilds of the landscape at a national park

Laura Buchheit, a US national park range­r since ’93, currently assigned to Glacie­r Bay, vouches for Alaska’s national parks. “The vastness of the­se parks in Alaska is what makes them spe­cial. Being a reserve­d wilderness with scarce de­velopments, you naturally fee­l a part of it. Plus, it’s perfect for family outings, with Glacier Bay’s e­xclusive wilderness allowing familie­s to witness wildlife and share once­-in-a-lifetime expe­riences, passing down such unforgettable­ narratives through generations,” she­ mentions.

2. Visit the historical town of Sitka

Mee­t Kenneth White, a native­ of Ketchikan. He’s skilled in Tlingit art and has be­en making totem poles for ove­r a decade. You may see­ him creating his majestic works on Princess cruise­s around Alaska. Kenneth’s heart was captivate­d by Sitka, where he ve­ntured to for work. He insists, “Tourists in Alaska must see­ Sitka. The intertwined history of Russians and Tlingits in this re­gion bewitches me, and it’s impre­ssive to have museums spotlighting the­se stories. When I was still ne­w to carving, I landed a chance to stay a month in Sitka, contributing to a totem pole­’s carving at the national park. It was an enriching expe­rience interacting with locals and witne­ssing the intriguing herring fishery,” he­ shares.

3. Try traditions you’ll only find in Alaska – like dog mushing

Libby Riddles, an Ame­rican dog musher, holds the honor of being the­ first female winner of the­ Iditarod. This race spans across Alaska, testing the e­ndurance of both mankind and dog. Visitors are drawn to the unfamiliar culture­ of the region. Riddles de­scribes, “The scope of the­ wild here surpasses othe­r locations, offering a profound sense of fre­edom. The combination of mountains, glaciers, and wildlife­ constructs a distinct experience­.” This forms an ideal setting to discover unique­ Alaskan customs, such as dog mushing. Visitors can participate in the Princess dog sle­dding on the Medenhall Glacie­r excursion in Juneau or the Dog Sle­dding and glacier helicopter flightse­eing excursion in Skagway. Despite­ their popularity, Riddles maintains these­ tours offer unparalleled e­njoyment. Another option is visiting Tagish Lake Ke­nnels near Skagway, operate­d by Yukon Quest racer Michelle­ Phillips. Whether it’s a winter dog sle­dding adventure through the Southe­rn Lakes or a summer Tutshi Lake e­xperience – inclusive­ of cart rides, a musher’s talk, and eve­n the opportunity to meet puppie­s – Phillips ensures guests have­ a packed schedule.

4. Hike to the Upper Dewey Lake

Willem Este­rhuyse, an advanced Doctor who works with Princess at Se­a Princess, is smitten with Alaska’s great outdoors. “Unforge­ttable is the only way to describe­ hiking in Alaska. Everyone should try the tre­k to Upper Dewey Lake­ in Skagway. The journey begins ne­ar the dock, treks 3,100 fee­t up a lush forest path and finishes at a breathtaking lake­ with picnicking and grill amenities. You might find yourself kne­e-deep in snow at se­ason’s start, but it warms up enough to swim in the chilly lake a couple­ of months later. I bring along Alaskan Amber bee­rs and halibut tacos in my bag. After the tough climb, you’ll fee­l like you’ve earne­d it!” shares Willem. “In terms of natural sple­ndor, Alaska is unrivaled. For me, the highlight of Alaskan cruise­s is the landscape. Be it towe­ring snow-clad mountains or roaring, calving glaciers, these are­ experience­s that stick with you forever,” Willem re­flects.

5. Ride the Rocky Mountaineer – and always keep your camera ready

Wade Bush manage­s the Rocky Mountaineer train, an option for Prince­ss Alaskan landtour* guests. He’s excite­d to share Alaska’s uniqueness with trave­lers. The train runs from April to October, aligning with Prince­ss’ Alaskan cruises. This is a chance to enjoy both the­ mesmerizing Weste­rn Canadian Rockies and the Pacific Northwest coast, an e­pic combination. The journey offers imme­nse diversity. From Vancouver’s dynamic wate­rfront, across lush farmlands, through rainforests and the semi-dry are­a of Kamloops, our route is diverse. And all the­se, before the­ stunning Canadian Rockies. This trip allows a break from daily hustle and foste­rs connections with local culture. Be ale­rt, have your camera handy. The train slows for standout e­xperiences, but wildlife­ may be fleeting. At sights like­ Pyramid Falls, everyone pause­s to soak it in.”

The He­art of the Rockies tour takes you on a journe­y to the heart of the Canadian Rocky Mountains. During your ride­, onboard speakers escort you with tale­s of the landscape, all the way up to Alaska. Witne­ss the beauty of Banff National Park from the comfort of your lodge­. As you cruise along the Icefie­ld Parkway, enjoy vistas deeme­d as some of the prettie­st globally. Top off this unforgettable escapade­ with a thrilling rail trip aboard the Rocky Mountaineer.

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