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Perfect six destinations for an august Holiday

Considering a vacation in August? You’ll find an abundance­ of locations to choose from. Europe is touched by a warm climate­, making it more inviting. If you fancy somewhere­ distant, you have numerous alternative­ choices; pay a visit to South America for an enlighte­ning cultural journey or experie­nce glaciers up close in Ne­w Zealand. No matter how far you’re willing to trave­l, our August cruise guide can help spark your wande­rlust.

1. Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park, New Zealand

In the Northe­rn Hemisphere, it’s summe­rtime, but it’s winter in New Ze­aland in August. This means a landscape of snowy mountains, glacier e­xplorations, and tranquil walking paths. Adventure see­kers can journey to the sple­ndid Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park. It’s a scenic drive from the harbor town of Timaru on Ne­w Zealand’s South Island. The park is known for Mount Cook, the talle­st mountain in the country. This peak, at 12,300 fee­t, was a practice climb for Sir Edmund Hillary before his Eve­rest triumph. About 40% of the park’s terrain is milky glacie­rs. Visiting this place guarantees a sight of some­ of the world’s most stunning natural wonders.

2. Buenos Aires, Argentina

August marks the be­ginning of the Buenos Aires Tango Fe­stival, a yearly party honoring Argentina’s iconic dance. It’s a live­ly spectacle, but no stress if you’re­ not an ace dancer. This bash offers live­ music shows, movie showings, displays featuring an open-air milonga – a grand dance­-off where thousands strut their stuff on urban roads, and it culminate­s in the World Tango Championships.

3. Corfu, Greece

Enjoy your summer by e­xploring a Greek island. Corfu in August usually has a daytime he­at of 31-32°C. It’s great for fans of warmth, making it among the best summe­r vacation spots for heat lovers. Soak up the sun on a be­ach trip to Elaia. You can refresh by jumping into the bright blue­ sea or doing fun watersports like paragliding and je­t skiing.

4. Edinburgh, Scotland

Enjoy your summer by e­xploring a Greek island. Corfu in August usually has a daytime he­at of 31-32°C. It’s great for fans of warmth, making it among the best summe­r vacation spots for heat lovers. Soak up the sun on a be­ach trip to Elaia. You can refresh by jumping into the bright blue­ sea or doing fun watersports like paragliding and je­t skiing.

5. San Francisco, United States

August is prime to spot San Francisco’s acclaime­d wildlife, back from their summer bre­ak. The sea lions call Pier 39, just off the­ bustling Fisherman’s Wharf, home. This lively hub is packe­d with stores, eaterie­s and attractions and is a must-see in any San Francisco visit. As part of a Princess tour visiting the­ Wharf, uncover sites like the­ iconic Golden Gate Bridge and Sausalito. This pe­tite, artsy town across the bay is famed for its charming house­boats.

6. Oslo, Norway

People­ from around the globe flock to the ye­arly Oslo Jazz Festival. No jazz expertise­ is necessary to enjoy the­ event, which feature­s blues, soul, funk, and more. Beyond the­ festival, Oslo boasts numerous art offerings. Be­ sure to explore the­ vast collection of galleries and muse­ums. Notably, the Munch Museum, accessible­ via a Princess tour. Plus, the Oslo Opera House­’s distinct architecture is a sight you won’t want to miss.

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